TYEF’s Featured Books for Young Children
Here you can see a list of books we feature for children up to around age 10, complete with book covers and descriptions.
Additional Books for Young Children
If you would like further reading on books suggested through age 10, we have additional titles compiled here with their author and year of publication.
TYEF’s Featured Books for Older Children and Teens
Here you can see a list of books we feature for ages 11-18, complete with book covers and descriptions.
Additional Books for Older Children and Teens
If you would like further reading on books suggested ages 11-18, we have additional titles compiled here with their author and year of publication.
TYEF’s Featured Books for Parents, Educators, and Providers
Here you can see a list of books we feature for children up to age 10, complete with book covers and descriptions.
Michael and Me, Margaret Baker-Street
Told from the perspective of a second grade classmate of a transgender boy, this well-illustrated book is helpful for parents and teachers in explaining the transgender experience. This book affirms gender identity for transgender individuals and for classmates, alike.
About Chris, Nina Benedetto
Chris, a young transgender boy, feels alone in the world and at school until an insightful teacher realizes his dilemma. Through her recognition, kindness, acceptance, and support, Chris learns to love and accept himself.
Red: A Crayon's Story, Michael Hall
Red is a crayon that cannot color anything correctly. His work does not look like the work of his classmates. The reason that red is challenged is that Red is red on the outside, but blue on the inside. When Red finally reveals his true color, he draws amazing and beautiful images; others realize that one cannot always tell what a person is like from outside appearances and that true beauty comes from within.
I Am Jazz, Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings
Jazz, now an adult and television personality, is a spokesperson for all transpersons and one of Time Magazine's 25 most influential teens. Jazz knew from the time she was a toddler that she was a girl. She found relief and hope by dressing in tutu's and wearing mermaid costumes. This simple, beautiful book will inspire and enlighten children and adults, alike.
My Princess Boy, Cheryl Kilodavis:
A young transgender girl, who is assigned a boy's body, enjoys the freedom that the outdoor world provides. She runs through the trees and finds beauty in the uniqueness and splendor of nature. In nature, she becomes her true self; a lovely girl who wears Princess outfits, carries a magic wand, and finds the promise for tomorrow by living freely today.
It's Okay to Be Different, Todd Parr
This colorful book acknowledges and celebrates differences: Short, tall, black, white, Latino, Asian, boy, girl, gay, transgender, older, younger, shy, friendly. The message provides an excellent foundation for more in-depth readings about various types of diversity and the qualities that make each of us special and unique.
This Day in June, Gayle E. Pitman
Readers discover a pride celebration in this colorful and whimsical portrayal of the LGBT community. This colorful book contains a Reading Guide about LGBT history as well as a message to parents and caregivers about the sensitive and appropriate handling of gender identity and sexual orientation
10,000 Dresses, Marcus Ewert & Rex Ray, 2008.
A Peacock Among Pigeons, Tyler Curry, 2015.
All I Want to Be is Me, Phyllis Rothblatt, 2011.
Backwards Day, Bear Bergman & Joan Holub, 2000.
But, I’m Not a Boy, Katie Leone & Alison Pfeifer, 2015.
Call Me Tree Llamame Arbol, Maya Christina Gonzalez, 2014.
Happy in Our Skin, Fran Manishki, 2015.
Introducing Teddy, Jessica Walton, 2016.
Is It a Boy, Girl, or Both?, Megan Rohrer, 2016.
Jacob’s New Dress, Sarah & Ian Hoffman, 2015.
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress, Christine Baldacchino, 2014.
Not Every Princess, Jeffrey Bone, 2013.
Perfect Square, Michael Hall, 2011.
The Boy in the Dress, David Walliams, 2008.
The Family Book, Todd Parr, 2006.
When Kathy is Keith, Wallace Wong, Xlibris, 2013.
When Kayla was Kyle, Amy Fabrikant & Jennifer Levine, 2013.
Wild, Emily Hughes, 2013.
TYEF book list created by Susan Brand and Susan Maasch, courtesy of TYEF. If using this entire list, please include the information above for citation, and the year of its publication, 2016.