Creating a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning environment for everyone is essential for the mental and physical wellbeing of trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students. This is mandated by law, and should be the concern of all educators dedicated to the health and safety of their students. Protecting your trans students from bullying and harassment by their peers is a central component of the constitutional right of all students to a fair and equal education. TYEF urges you to respect the names, pronouns, and identities of your trans students. You can do this by listening, believing trans students when they open up to you about their identity and experiences, creating an education centered around diversity and inclusivity, and reading our detailed guides and resources below. Thank you, teachers, for all that you do.
For Educators
Read the TYEF Glossary
Learn about the terms, definitions, and concepts.
““Please, just listen to me, hear me, try to educate yourselves, try to understand everybody.”
Print these out and put them on the outside of your door and in your classroom!
These workshops are designed to fit the needs of your school. We offer one and a half hour training to your teachers and staff to educate them about transgender and gender nonconforming youth and their needs. We will address all of your concerns and discuss the unique needs of your school. We have experience in educating school staff in how to best support transgender students. At the end of this session we will meet with a smaller group including transgender students, teachers, counselors and/or parents or caregivers to discuss the particular needs and concerns for a particular student. We will provide you with handouts, book lists and other resources. After the initial visit TYEF will be available to your school for any and all follow up phone consultations at no additional cost.
Teaching Empathy and Compassion: A Workshop On Gender Diversity:
This workshop uses handouts, discussion and videos to communicate with youth about the importance of understanding gender diversity, their gender nonconforming peers and how we can use empathy and compassion to care for, understand, and support these peers and eliminate bullying in our schools.
This workshop covers the history of the transgender child and youth movement and of the Trans Youth Equality Foundation's work with children and families. We will discuss the needs of youth as well as the direction in which the movement is going. Information will be given Transgender 101 style so that participants will walk away with a full understanding of the issues. We will lead an open discussion to address your needs and concerns and share valuable resources for professionals or advocates to take home. An excellent workshop for any group working with youth, or involved with educational, recreational, religious or civil rights concerns.
Transgender 101 for Schools, Professionals, Businesses, etc. Designed to meet your needs.
Contact TYEF offices at 207-478-4087
The cost is $1200 zoom or additional fee for travel. This is for a half day visit. Full day visits are $1600. * This cost includes all followup needed for one school year at no additional cost.We will provide you with the master copy of our handouts to reproduce for all participants prior to the workshop. Please feel free to ask our staff for other possible talks or workshops, we are open to discussing your needs.
department of Education: Title IX and Anti-Discrimination protections
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) officially enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. According to the OCR, Title IX “protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance.” The OCR goes on to declare that protections for people from discrimination based on sex “includ[es] sexual orientation and gender identity.”
The OCR instates a very broad scope for its enforcement of Title IX protections, stating that “Title IX applies to schools, local and state educational agencies, and other institutions that receive federal financial assistance from the Department. These recipients include approximately 17,600 local school districts, over 5,000 postsecondary institutions, and charter schools, for-profit schools, libraries, and museums. Also included are vocational rehabilitation agencies and education agencies of 50 states, the District of Columbia, and territories of the United States.”
On June 2021, the Department of Education published a letter to educators on Title IX’s 49th anniversary. Notably, the letter states that Title IX’s mandate which “protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance” requires “that the education environment you [educators] provide is free from sex discrimination in all forms.”
This echoes the statements in a June 2021 DoE public notice “clarifying Title IX’s protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity” for students. Significantly, this ruling “applies regardless of whether the individual is an adult in a workplace or a student in school.”
The DoE summarizes sex discrimination protections in its publication Sex Discrimination: Overview of the Law.
The U.S. Department of Education has also issued a Notice of Interpretation about the enforcement of Title IX. In this Notice, the DoE’s Office for Civil Rights states that it “issues this interpretation to clarify the Department’s enforcement authority over discrimination based on sexual orientation and discrimination based on gender identity under Title IX” for students.
Restrooms, Locker rooms, and school sports
According to President Biden’s Executive Order 13988 of January 2021, Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation, “Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports.” The executive order goes on to cite that these crucial and life-saving protections for trans students are reflected in the Constitution, Title VII, Title IX, and Bostock v. Clayton County.
The above excerpt from Biden’s executive order was clearly cited in an April 2021 publication from the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, Letter to Students, Educators, and other Stakeholders re Executive Order 14021. This proves that both President Biden and the Dept. of Education uphold trans students’ rights to access the restroom, locker room, and school sports in line with their affirmed gender identity.
All of this re-upholds the May 2016 DOE/DOJ directive under the Obama administration.
Also look up your state’s laws that protect transgender children, although federal laws override any discriminatory state laws.
Key Resources about the law, and supporting and protecting trans students
GLSEN 2019 National School Climate Survey
Detailed report about the experiences of LGBTQ+ students in schools around the country.
Confronting Anti-LGBTQI+ Harassment in Schools - From U.S. Dept. of Justice and Dept. of Education
The Biden Administration has released a very important document mandating that “discrimination against students based on their sexual orientation or gender identity is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by federal law.” This guide lays out the steps for filing complaints with the government if schools or districts fail to protect LGBTQI+ students. Please read for important details stating your legal requirements as an educator or school personnel to protect your students from discrimination and harassment.
Filing a Discrimination Complaint with the Office for Civil Rights
Further Information about Filing a Discrimination Complaint with the Office for Civil Rights.
Form for Filing a Discrimination Complaint with the Office for Civil Rights
Fact Sheet on U.S. Department of Education Policy Letter on Transgender Students
A very helpful explanation of how schools are required to treat transgender students. This fact sheet details that schools must treat trans and gender diverse students as their true gender identity. It explicitly states that the Policy Letter requires that trans students have access the restroom, locker room, and facilities in line with their gender identity. It also says that schools must use the student’s correct name and pronouns, and allow them to dress in alignment with their gender.
Crucially, this fact sheet also says that Title IX overrides anti-trans state laws. Schools that don’t respect Title IX protections can expect disciplinary action form the Dept. of Education and/or the Dept. of Justice.
Transgender Child/Youth School Q&A
In this section we discuss frequently asked questions about schools and transgender children. We provide answers to your questions and help you understand the legal rights of trans children in schools.
Gender Spectrum’s Guide for Supporting Trans Children in K-12 Schools
Check out Gender Spectrum's great guide to learning more about transgender students and how your school can protect them.
U.S. Dept of Education Resources for LGBTQ+ Students
A very important guide from the DoE about a variety of resources available for LGBTQIA+ students. Among these are filing a discrimination complaint with the Office for Civil Rights, harassment statistics, legal protections for trans students, and much more.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA is a federal law that protect’s a student’s education, health, and medical records.
This DoE publication explores the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQIA+ students, especially those who are trans, people of color, and/or low income.
Sex Discrimination: Overview of the Law (from DoE)
American Bar Association: Upholding the Civil Rights of Transgender Students
This page discusses the legal, ethical, and educational imperatives for schools and educators to create learning environments which respect the rights of trans students. This page also offers practical guidance on how to foster equity and inclusivity for all students. For example, schools and educators should implement and enforce anti-bullying protections, respect student privacy under FERPA, creating ongoing professional development opportunities, foster an inclusive curriculum, and more.
White House Toolkit on Transgender Equality
This landmark White House publication crucially includes guidance to schools and educators regarding how to foster an inclusive environment for trans students. This publication also details how the DoE protects trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students. The White House makes this message clear: trans students have legal anti-discrimination protections, and schools must create welcoming and respectful environments for all students, regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation, gender expression, or adherence to traditional concepts of masculinity and femininity.
Search for LGBT Bar associated law firms and partners near you
How to change your gender marker on your birth certificate, for each state